U.S. Chief Negotiator Dan Mullaney and EU Chief Negotiator Ignacio Garcia Bercero shake hands at the start of the fifth round of T-TIP negotiations
U.S. and EU teams met today in Arlington, Virginia for the first day of the fifth round of negotiations on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) agreement.
Negotiators responsible for regulatory coherence, intellectual property rights, labor, and certain sectoral regulatory areas began their work on Monday. Additional groups will begin work tomorrow, including services and investment, technical barriers to trade, agricultural market access, and rules of origin.
Press inquiries should be directed to Anne Eisenhower at AEisenhower@ustr.eop.gov for the U.S. Trade Representative and Kasper Zeuthen at Kasper.ZEUTHEN@eeas.europa.eu for the European Commission.