When Trade Leads to Tolerance |
06/12/2004 |
The New York
Section A; Column 1;
Editorial Desk; Pg. 13
Robert B. Zoellick
In Tangier's Museum of Antiquities stands one of the most famous mosaics in
Morocco, ''The Voyage of Venus.'' It can best be appreciated by
stepping back and taking in the full picture, so that each brightly colored tile
blends into the others. As the United
signs a new free trade agreement with
Morocco next week, we need to
recognize the full mosaic of interests at stake.
The larger picture is
one of a new and deeper economic and political partnership with
Morocco, a bright light of reform and moderation in the Islamic
world. For too long, the Middle
East and
Africa has been a place of stagnant economies, religious
extremism and lack of hope. Democracy is rare, small businesses are stymied by
governments and a favored few, and militants want to turn back the clock to the
seventh century.
Yet a different vision is beginning to emerge. Moderate
Arab states like Morocco are reclaiming the ideas
of an Islamic golden age when a vibrant culture allowed young scholars to
explore the frontiers of knowledge and commerce thrived. Their reformist and
tolerant vision of Islam includes free parliamentary elections, the sale of
state-owned businesses, the encouragement of foreign investment that can be
connected to broad-based development, and better protection of the rights of
women and workers.
In Morocco, Jordan, Bahrain and elsewhere, young
leaders are struggling for the soul of Islam. It is a battle of leaders who
embrace tolerance against extremists who thrive on hatred. It is a conflict of
economic reformers against those who fear modernization because it threatens
their power to intimidate. And it is a contest of those who welcome closer ties
with the West against those who see us as an enemy.
America's strategic interest in the outcome of this struggle is
immense, but our ability to influence it is limited. From the
East to Southeast Asia, only fellow Muslims can lead their brothers and
sisters to a better Islamic future. But the
States is not without influence.
Through free-trade agreements, for example, we can embrace reforming states,
encouraging their transformation and bolstering their chances for success even
as we open new markets for American goods and services.
The free-trade
agreement with Jordan enacted in 2001 was the first step. Closer trade ties
and the removal of tariffs have resulted in a 197 percent increase in two-way
trade and have drawn foreign investment to
Jordan, including knowledge and entrepreneurial industries
like pharmaceuticals and software. The Jordanians estimate that expanded trade
has helped to create some 35,000 jobs.
Jordan has also forged closer economic ties with
Israel, our first free-trade
To capitalize on this new interest in combining modernity with
the Muslim world, President Bush outlined a plan last year to achieve a Middle
East Free Trade Area. Now Morocco in the Maghreb
is joining with Jordan by signing a free-trade agreement with the
Following fast, the United
States and
Bahrain just concluded free trade
negotiations a few weeks ago, and we look forward to signing that agreement
These leaders have inspired the interest of others. The
States has
now signed trade facilitation framework agreements with eight other Arab
countries, from Algeria to Yemen, as a preliminary step
toward free trade. Piece by piece, the administration is building a mosaic of
modernizers with a plan that offers trade and openness as tools for Muslim
leaders looking toward the rebirth of an optimistic and tolerant Islam.
Unfortunately, here at home, some don't see that bigger picture.
Opponents of these free-trade agreements are preoccupied with demands for extra
provisions on labor, claiming for example that unions have been pressured by
government. But these objections, made by labor unions that don't want foreign
competition, are self-defeating. The agreements with
Morocco and Bahrain, like the Jordan agreement, require our partners to enforce their labor
and environmental laws and strive to upgrade standards. The critics ignore the
labor reforms Morocco has already enacted. The
States is the only nation
pressing to include enforceable labor and environmental protections in its trade
The labor protectionists' objections apply not only to
Morocco and other Muslim reformers, but to poor countries
generally. That's dangerous, because whether in the Middle East, Central America, Asia or
Africa, free-trade agreements are
a powerful way to strengthen openness and democracy, counter poverty, encourage
tolerance and promote better working conditions.
Economic isolationists
are too shortsighted to see the full mosaic of
America's interests. Their fight to defeat such trade
agreements would rob the United
States of
one of its most powerful tools, just when we should be integrating trade and
economic reforms with the struggle for democracy and tolerance that is vital to
our security. The coming months will see a debate over which perspective
prevails. The future of far more than a trade agreement hangs in the balance.
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