Veneman-Zoellick Statement on Beef Trade with Japan |
04/01/2004 |
Statement by Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman and U. S. Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick April 1,
2004 "The United States is committed to resolving global trade issues based on science. On
March 29, the Administration proposed, via a letter to Japanese Agriculture Minister Yoshiyuki
Kamei, a U.S./Japan technical consultation on bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) with the
World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the international standard setting body for animal
diseases. "Much has been learned in recent experiences with BSE and scientific consultations
are warranted to enable trade in beef and beef products to resume. We have shared with all of our
trading partners the results of our extensive investigation into BSE, including our aggressive
response to an international panel of experts’ recommendations.
"Japanese Ministry of Agriculture authorities have continued to insist that testing of all
animals and removal of specific risk materials are conditions for entry of U.S. beef products in
the Japanese market. International experts, as noted in the recent report of the international
scientific panel that reviewed the U.S. system, agree there is no scientific basis for 100% testing.
"The most appropriate path at this point is for the scientific experts at the OIE to
consult and agree upon measures that are based on science. We have assurances that the OIE
would commit to an aggressive timetable to review a commonly accepted definition of BSE and
related testing methodologies as well as a common definition of specified risk materials.
"We have submitted our system and measures to scrutiny by international experts and
see no reason why Japan should be reluctant to do likewise.
"We are disappointed that the Japanese response to our proposal was conveyed through
the press instead of engaging in constructive dialogue about the merits of the proposal. We urge
the government of Japan to agree to an OIE consultation and to assure that its measures are
consistent with its international commitments as a member of the World Trade Organization
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