The United States is the largest single-country
provider of trade-related assistance, which includes trade-related physical
infrastructure, totaling $1.34 billion in FY2005, up 46 percent from ($921
million) in FY2004 (more than double than FY2001). In December 2005 at the WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong, U.S. Trade
Representative Rob Portman announced that the United States plans to more than
double its contributions to global Aid for Trade, from $1.34 billion in 2005 to
$2.7 billion in grants annually by 2010. "As partners with developing countries, and particularly the least developed,
we share the goal of reducing poverty and building their capacity for trade,"
said Portman. "The new opportunities created by our bold trade proposals in the
WTO talks combined with our increased commitment to Aid for Trade will help
realize the potential of Doha."