
USTR Privacy Act Program

USTR Privacy Act Office:
Phone: (202) 395-4990

Mailing address: Privacy Act Office, Office of the US Trade Representative, Anacostia Naval Annex, Building 410/Door 123, 250 Murray Lane SW, Washington DC 20509

Senior Agency Official for Privacy & Chief Privacy Officer: Janice Kaye,

Privacy Act Officers/Attorney: Monique Ricker,

Privacy Act Reference Guide
​The Privacy Act Reference Guide is designed to familiarize you with the procedures for submitting a request for access to or amendment of a record and how USTR will process your request. More

Privacy Act Regulation
The Privacy Act establishes a code of fair information practices that governs the collection, maintenance, use and dissemination of information about individuals that an agency maintains in a system of records by federal agencies. Agencies must have formal rules explaining the process for making and processing requests.  The USTR rule.

System of Records Notice (SORN)
The Privacy Act requires an agency to publish SORNs in the Federal Register. More